Help us follow all the Development Projects going
on in New Rochelle

If you value the 101010 project and find it informative, please consider donating.

    Your donation will be used to:

  • Purchase additional website space
  • Help with recurring monthly fees for webhosting
  • Repair damaged equipment (drones, lenses, etc.)
  • Purchase additional equipment such as a new drone that works in 25 mph or more winds

Our project is fully self-funded.
We receive no compensation
from the City or the Developers to fund this project.

We have sold a few of our photos to the developers if they ask for them.

Recently we have allowed a Real Estate agent to place an ad on our site to help us fund the project.

If you donate $100 or more, we will snail mail you the handsome 160 page, full color, hardbound book called One Day: Photos of New Rochelle, The 10-10-10 Project. Dozens of volunteer photographers fanned out throughout New Rochelle on Sunday, October 10th, 2010 to capture the faces and places, sights and events, history and life of our fair city.

You can use PayPal to make a donation. If you want to really help you can make this a recurring donation (we suggest $5-10/month) to help offset our monthly hosting fees.

You can also use Venmo @NewRoDevelopment

If you donate $100 to our project of photographing NR development sites, we will snail mail you a book "One Day: The 10-10-10 Project: Photos of Life in New Rochelle" We have a limited numner of copies so it's first come fist serve! Thanks in advance!

John and Karen Hessel