We receive a lot of inquiries from people
asking about Affordable Housing and how to apply.

This is what we have learned so far:

Here is information about Affordable Opportunities at 3 Buildings:

The Renaisance

The Atelier

The Grand

More Information Here


click on the logo to go the website

Affordable Westchester promotes equal, affordable & accessible housing opportunities for all residents in our region.



From the www.ideallynewrochelle.com website:

Do I qualify for Affordable Housing? pdf HERE

Interested in Affordable Housing? Email Link: hac@affordablehomes.org

From the Office of the County Executive George Latimer, Tuesday, July 16, 2019 1:10 PM

"Thank you for your email to County Executive George Latimer.

Mr. Latimer is grateful to you for contacting him regarding your interest in learning more about affordable housing in New Rochelle.

Your email was shared with the county’s planning commissioner who has suggested that you register on her department’s homeseeker link for information about affordable housing as it becomes available. It is the best resource and can be accessed via the county’s website (www.westchestergov.com). Information and applications for the units in which you are interested will most likely not be available until the apartments are a few months away from being ready for occupancy. It will therefore most likely be a year before information or applications for the New Rochelle units will be disseminated. You might consider calling the Housing Action Council at (914) 332-5229 because the agency is creating a list of potential occupants for each property so applications can be sent.

I hope this response is helpful.

Your inquiry is important to County Executive Latimer. He wishes you all the best. If this office can assist you with any other matters, we hope you will give us the opportunity to do so.

Again, thank you for writing.


Janet Lokay
Assistant to the County Executive"

From the Commisioner of Development Luiz Aragon, Tuesday, July 18, 2019 1:21 PM

"A link will soon be available on our website www.ideallynewrochelle.com for folks to access information on all leasing units, including affordable units."